Friday, January 26, 2007


Does it ever seem to you that there is no one that you can count on? Friends let you down, relationships end, and parents just are to unfair. I think that anyone reading this would agree with these statements, except parents just seem to be to unfair. lol I know that you think that I am getting ready to say that Jesus is a friend who will never leave us or stab us in the back. But that is not where I am going to go with it today. Today, I want to look at the other side of the coin. God must look at us the same way. Everyday we do something that is against God. It might be doing something that you promised him that you would not do, or just not invite him along when you and your friends are going out on the weekend. How do you feel when your friends leave you out or stab you in the back? In our class we have been talking about our relationship with God, and how we can make it stronger. How do you make your friendships stronger? Spending time together, respecting each other, and getting to know each other are the ways to make your relationships stonger. Today though I only want to focus on respecting each other. We can do this the same way that we do with any of our other friends. When we say that we will do something, we should do it. If you told your best friend that you would meet them at Pizza Hut at 7:00pm, how hard would you try to be there? If someone else was talking bad about your friend, how long would you listen before you stepped in and defended your friend? If your friend was in some serious trouble, how long would it take you to decide to help them? My guess is that you would do what ever it was that your friend needed you to do. I just want you guys to stop and think about the way that we act on a regular basis toward God. Do you treat him as your best friend and take him with you everywhere you go, or do you treat him like a friend that you only like to hang out with when someone better is not around. How do feel if you get stood up by a friend, because that found something better to do? Or how do you feel when a friend only wants to do something with you because everyone else is busy? After you read this, just stop and think about the way that we treat God as a friend. We can all treat God better, so just try and be a great friend to God. I think that the one thing that can hurt a friendship is being two-faced, that is a sure fire way to hurt a relationship. The worst part about being two-faced with God is that unlike our other friends, God always knows. We can not hide anything from him. Just some things to make you think. Thanks for reading. PJ

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